How to get your health data in Spain

Apr 22, 2024

Yellow Flower
Yellow Flower

As a patient in Spain, you have the legal right to access your medical records from healthcare providers. This right is guaranteed by Spanish law (Law 41/2002, Ley de Autonomía del Paciente) and the EU's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

You can ask Livv Health to retrieve your records for you, or follow the following step-by-step to do it yourself:

In Spain, public health data is managed by each autonomous community's health service. Many regions offer online health portals where you can access some of your health information, such as vaccination records, prescriptions, and appointments. Check your region's health service website for information on their digital services and how to register.

Step 2: Identify Healthcare Providers

List all the healthcare facilities and providers that may have your medical information, including public health centers, hospitals, clinics, specialists, private practices, and diagnostic centers.

Step 3: Contact Each Provider

Contact each healthcare provider on your list. You can request access to your records in person, by phone, mail, or email. Clearly state that you want to access your complete medical records under your rights in Law 41/2002 and GDPR. Use the template request form provided below.

Step 4: Authorize a Representative (Optional)

If you wish, you can authorize a representative to request and collect your medical records on your behalf. You'll need to provide written authorization and the representative will need to provide identification.

Step 5: Verify Your Identity

The provider will ask you to verify your identity to ensure they release records to the correct person. Be prepared to provide a valid government-issued ID.

Step 6: Choose Access Method

Inform the provider how you wish to access your records. You can request to view the records in person at their facility or obtain copies. If requesting copies, specify the desired format (physical or digital).

Step 7: Pay Any Fees

Providers may charge reasonable fees for copying and providing records. Ask about any costs upfront.

Step 8: Await Response

By law, providers must respond to your request and provide access to your records within 30 days. Follow up if you don't hear back within this timeframe.

Step 8: Review and Store your Records safely

Upon receiving your records, carefully review them for errors or missing information. Securely store the records as part of your personal medical history file. You can download the Livv Health app to protect and organize your health information effortlessly.

Remember, while some health data may be available through regional online health portals, this doesn't replace your right to obtain your complete medical records. Use the template below to assert that right with each of your healthcare providers.

[Your Full Name]
[Your Address]
[Your Phone Number]
[Your Email]


[Healthcare Provider Name]
[Healthcare Provider Address]

Dear [Healthcare Provider],

I am writing to request access to my complete medical records maintained by your institution. This request is being made under my rights in Law 41/2002 (Ley de Autonomía del Paciente) and EU GDPR Article 15.

Please provide me with:

  • A full copy of all medical records you hold about me, including but not limited to clinical notes, test results, imaging studies, referrals, and correspondence.

  • An explanation of any codes or abbreviations used in the records.

I would prefer to receive the records in [specify format - electronic, hard copy, etc.]. Please inform me in advance of any fees associated with providing the records.

If you need any additional information or identification from me, please contact me at [your phone number] or [your email].

Thank you for your assistance. I look forward to receiving my complete medical records within 30 days, as required by law.


[Your Signature]
[Your Name]

Spain's Autonomous Communities

Spain's healthcare system is decentralized, with each autonomous community managing its own health services. Many regions offer online health portals where you can access some of your personal health information. 

While these regional health portals provide varying levels of access to personal health information, they do not include complete medical records from all healthcare providers. To obtain your full medical history, you must submit a records request to each relevant provider, following the process outlined above.

If you need assistance accessing your medical records or have questions about the process, contact your regional health service for guidance.

Here's a guide to accessing your health records in each of Spain's 17 autonomous communities.

Andalusia - ClicSalud+

Aragon - Salud Informa

  • Go to and click "Acceso Usuarios"

  • Log in using your Aragon Health Card number and date of birth

  • Once logged in, you can access your personal health information and manage appointments

Asturias - Astursalud

Portal provides general health information and appointment requests, but not access to complete health records.

Balearic Islands - Portal del Paciente

Basque Country - Osakidetza

  • Go to and click "Carpeta de Salud"

  • If you have a Osakidetza health card, click "Acceder"

  • Log in using your Basque Health Card number and your date of birth

  • Once logged in, you can view your medical records, appointments, prescriptions, and more

Canary Islands - MiHistoria

Castilla-La Mancha - Sescam

Portal provides health information, but not access to complete health records.

Castilla y León - Sacyl Conecta

Portal allows appointment management and access to some health data, but not access to complete health records.


No centralized online health portal found for patient access to health records.

Catalonia - La Meva Salut

  • Go to and click "Accés a La Meva Salut"

  • If you have a CatSalut card, click "Accedeix-hi" under "Tens targeta sanitària individual?"

  • Log in using your CatSalut card number, your CIP number (printed on the card), and your date of birth

  • Once logged in, you can view your health information, including medical reports, test results, prescriptions, and more

  • You can also manage appointments and communicate with your healthcare providers through the portal

Extremadura - Portal del Ciudadano

Portal provides appointment management and prescription renewals, but not access to complete health records.

Galicia - É-Saúde

  • Go to and click "Acceder"

  • Log in using your Cl@ve PIN, Chave365, or Digital Certificate

  • Once logged in, you can access your personal health records and manage appointments

La Rioja - Rioja Salud

Portal provides general health information, but not access to complete health records.

Madrid - Tarjeta Sanitaria Virtual:

  • Go to and click "Acceder a la Tarjeta Sanitaria Virtual"

  • Log in using your Digital Certificate, [Cl@ve PIN](mailto:Cl@ve PIN), or [Cl@ve Permanente](mailto:Cl@ve Permanente)

  • Once logged in, you can view your personal data, request a health card, manage appointments, and access some of your health information

Murcia - Portal del Paciente

Navarre - Carpeta Personal de Salud

Valencian Community - GVA+Salut

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